EF7 SQLite Click-Once Deployment Error

I'm working on a WPF client app with a SQLite database (view to build an iOS app with Xamarin in the future). The Error The application works fine locally, but »

Restoring Windows 8.1 after Windows 10 Issues

This may be useful if you've installed Win10, but need to quickly get back to a usable machine without spending an entire weekend re-paving it! I installed (upgrade keeping files »

EF6 IQueryable Deferred Execution and Select

I've recently been building a new EF data access layer for our system at work and have obviously been asked a lot of questions about how it compares to the »

Implementing -whatIf in a PowerShell function

I've got a function in a module I use to deploy binaries and files to various websites and wanted to usethe -whatIf switch on the function and have all the »

Error 0x800b0109 a certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate

My 8.1 machine locked-up yesterday and I had a lot of trouble getting it to restart...once it did it froze for a while, then seemed to return to »

Learning Microsoft Azure

After 6 months of hard work and not much sleep, my new book Learning Microsoft Azure has been published by Packt Publishing and is available from the packt store and »